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Riyue Lake at Taichung Park(2005-04)

When love beckons to you,follow him ... Taichung Park used to be one of Taiwan's eight major scenic spots. Huxin Pavilion was considered as a landmark of Taichung City. The elegant and refined appearance of Huxin Pavilion with its red roof and white walls, a central beam made of wood, and a unique tetragon roof, which merged beauty and Romantic sensation, abundant with poetic inspiration, had been attracting dozens of photographers and artists to capture its remarkable image. Therefore, Huxin Pavilion of Taichung Park acquired its widespread fame, and had served people of Taichung for leisure and relaxes. Riyue Lake was constructed in 1903, and was original confluence of the Lu River and the Liu River. As Taichung Park was open to the public, the lake's area was expanded by excavations to nearly 4,112 ping (1 ping = 3.3025m2). The two bridges that were erected in order to connect the Huxin Pavilion are the earliest facility of Park. During the Japanese colonial era, City Government rent out the administration of the lake to a rowboats rental company. Until now, we can still have boat rowing in Riyue Lake. Besides boat rowing, the lake has been a home for grass carp and its fishery; however, all kinds of fishery are forbidden in the lake today. For many people, Taichung Park has been a nice place for raising romance. After 1949, this beautiful park had brought cheerful state of mind to many of its visitors, especially newly wedded couples and lovers, that decided to spend their honeymoon or have their dates in Park and enjoy its romantic ambiance. The charming and graceful atmosphere of Park had made it optimal for romantic dates. Many lovers that looked for intimacy and didn't want any interference from the outside world found boat rowing as a suitable option. Many lovers became even closer after visiting Park and some credits for that should be given to the rowboats rental companies too. Park's scenery, and so did the business of rowboats rental there, were affected by mismanagement and hobos problems. However, in 1999 Taichung Park was reconstructed and since then the Lantern Festival has been holding in Park to attract people every year. Thus, today we can encounter once again the romantic view of couples and lovers rowing in Riyue Lake.

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  • Data update: 2019-03-15
  • Publish Date: 2009-12-09
  • Source: Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 1257
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