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JingGuo Parkway ~Romance in the Most Noble Fashion(2005-06)

Photos and Words by Li, Yu-Qi / Translated by Cara Steenstra
Over the years, the city government has made very endeavor to improve local development, and efforts in beautifying the streets can be witnessed everywhere.Encircling Taichung city like an emerald necklace, the near dozen parkways play an important part in the recreational lives of many. Amongst them, JingGuo Parkway and its surrounding area can be said to contain the essence of good living all in one area, particularly at night time, when the neon street lights glitter along the with the lights from the surrounding homes, it feels rather romantic. The most popular commercial district along JingGuo Parkway, which stretches from BoGuan Road all the way to People's Square, would be the area between BoGuan Road and ZhongGang Road. That is because the seat of knowledge, the National Museum of Natural Science, famous island wide, is situated right here. There are always many exhibits and activities on at the National Museum of Natural Science. The parkway in front of the Museum is also often the venue for many outdoor exhibits, so whether it is a weekday or a holiday, there are always students on school trips, families enjoying a day out, or groups traveling through from all over Taiwan, and these visitors bring great opportunities to the businesses in the area.
There are all of daily life's conveniences along this JingGuo Parkway, stretching from ZhongGang Road to GongYi Road. Several banks and many restaurants are all located in the area. The Hotel National Taichung has been established here for many years already and the recently refurbished the Splendor Taichung provide accommodation for both business and recreational travelers alike. Places such as Sogo Department Store, boutiques, eateries and international cuisine restaurants in the area not only make life very convenient for the residents, but also increased the value of real estate here. Many foreign residents like to live in this area too. And high-class residential premises have been springing up in this area like new shoots in springtime! The People's Square is also a very popular area in Taichung City. The nearby Nova Plaza is where many people go to find the latest in computer technology. Nova's reputation and popularity has brought in many other businesses around it, most of them selling computers, cell phones and other technology related items.
With all of the above mentioned advantages and its centrally located geographical situation, it is no wonder that the JingGuo Parkway area is one of the most sought after and envied residential areas!

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  • Data update: 2019-03-15
  • Publish Date: 2009-12-09
  • Source: Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 1306
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