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Map of Emerald(2005-07)

Among all metropolitan cities in Taiwan, Taichung City ranks third in city afforestation. According to a survey conducted by the Commonwealth Magazine in September 2004, people in Taichung City enjoy 3.7 hectares of green land per 10,000 people, ranks third in Taiwan, following Hsinchu City (3.8 hectares) and Kaohsiung City (4.7 hectares). It is thus worthwhile for people here to explore and enjoy greens in the city. In this issue, we use “Map of Emerald” as the topic for our special report to guide readers to explore another attraction of the City??"green land, which plays a very important role in urban development. It is our hope that residents here can enjoy themselves in these green spaces. In the “Map of Emerald”, we have marked various street trees, parkways with different scenery, small and medium parks in your neighborhoods and rivers closely related to our life. The city government has invested a lot of manpower and resources to green the city, and the investment is certainly worthwhile because it has made our city beautiful and pleasing. Now, let’s use the “Map of Emerald” to find a “green” spot that suits you. Question: What do we mean by “Emerald Parkway”? In total, Taichung City has 13 parkways, including Singda, Jhongming, Shuyi, Wunsinnan, Chonglun, Wucyuan, Meishu, Jingguo, Jiansing, Shuangshih, Dongguang, Meichuan and Taiyuanlu. The 13 parkways surround the City like a necklace of emerald, hence the name “Emerald Parkway”. 

Walking on a Parkway-- Love is in the Air

Beautiful parkways surround Taichung City like an emerald necklace of emerald for people to enjoy the harmonious happiness. A number of elements are needed to create good urban scenery. In the past few years, Taichung City Government put in a lot of efforts to create beautiful and amiable urban scenery for its residents. One of the most important elements is “parkway”. Have you ever noticed that the parkways designed by Taichung City actually form an emerald necklace of emerald to surround the city? These parkways not only bring out the beauty of the city, they also make citizens of Taichung proud to live in a city that is so delightful. In total, there are 13 parkways in Taichung City. Depending on the location, designs and local characteristics, a parkway can offer very different scenery from others. Their existence makes life more refreshing for our citizens.

Taiyuanlu Parkway

Taiyuanlu Parkway is located near Daya road, Huameisi Street and Beitun Road. Pebbles are used on both sides of the parkway to create a natural footpath for citizens to take a stroll. Cheerful flowers decorate various sections of the parkway while convenient kiosks make people feel like home.

Jiansing Parkway

The area from Syueshih Road to Situn Road is a very busy area. In addition to the botanical park in the area, residents here now have another place to relax and exercise in the morning??"Jiansing Parkway. All the street lamps along the parkway are specially made to look like flying birds. Also, to protect the grassland, the authorities have installed iron fences around the grassland.

Meichuan Parkway

Where do you usually go to view beautiful flowers during the flower season? Meichuan Parkway is a great choice that is very close to you, and you don’t need to pay any admission or worry about the time limit. Sitting under the flourishing trees, local residents enjoy the afternoon sunshine and exchanges gossips or news. They also bring their children here to feel the soothing breeze. Come and experience it yourself!

Jingguo Parkway

Jingguo Parkway extends from Jhonggong Road to Mingsheng Road, a very busy section used to hold celebration activities for the Lantern Festival. In fact, Taichung City holds all kinds of activities in this area. There are a lot of companies around this area and foreign guests come here for business. To make the urban scenery in this area more welcoming, flowers are rotated in different seasons and make Jingguo Parkway a representative parkway for Taichung City.

Meishu Parkway

Everyone will think of Meishu Parkway when someone mentions National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. Indeed, Meishu Parkway is now a very famous parkway in Taichung City. Besides the famous Florida Royal Palms and the friendly pigeons, you will also find a lot of restaurants with special decoration and interesting menus in this area. It’s a great place for people who love culture and art.

Wucyuan Parkway

Very close to Meishu Parkway, Wucyuan Parkway is located near Wucyuan Road and Wucyuan 1st Street. If you look carefully in this parkway, you will find over 30 kinds of trees, which makes it a great place for field trip.

Chonglun Parkway

Located near Jhongming South Road and Sanmin West Road, this large parkway offers a big and relaxing grass space. As this area is close to a school and there is few traffic, this area has become children’s playground and the favorite place for local residents to relax.

Wunsinnan Parkway

Located next to Yining High School, Wunsinnan Parkway was created in recent years. When it was first built, the parkway looked like a greensward with small trees. As time passes by, this parkway is now surrounded by big trees and beautiful flowers. The parkway is very close to Fusi Road with old houses built years ago, so residents here are really happy about this parkway.

Shuyi Parkway

Located near the intersection of Jhongming South Road and Gongsyue North Road, the parkway is marked by old trees grew here long before the creation of the parkway. With more and more new buildings and growing population, the urban scenery in this area has changed. What remains is people’s love for old trees. Hence, when the city designed the parkway, chairs and footpath were set up around the old trees, making it a great place for community recreation.

Jhongming Parkway

The south district used to be an area full of factories. However, in the past 10 years, it has gradually become a residence area. For instance, a lot of buildings near Jhongming South Road and Wucyuan South Road were built in the past 10 years. Jhongming Parkway is thus a parkway that extends from old housing to new housing and offers different views for people to feel the change of time.

Singda Parkway

A lot of people in Taichung City are very familiar with this green corridor in front of National Chung Hsing University. Singda Parkway extends from Jhongming South Road, through Guoguang Road to Cijhong Street near Dongfong Park. Alstonia scholaris along both sides of the parkway offer great scenery for people taking a stroll or relax here.

Dongguang Parkway

The creation of Dongguang Parkway changes the face of the east district. The parkway extends from Dajhih road, through Dongguangyuan Road to Jiancheng Road. In the past, railways in the area make it less amiable. Today, as the parkway is close to the popular Lecheng Tmeple and Zusheng Park and a small lawn, it changes people’s feeling about this area.

Shuangshih Parkway

Close to Yuren Elementary School, the parkway extends from Sijin Road to Sanmin Road. A lot of people in the neighborhood have lived here for a long time, because it’s close to the meat market of Taichung City. The parkway also offers a footpath for people to take a walk. In fact, this parkway has become the center of community activities. The necklace of emerald formed by the 13 parkways mentioned above brings greens to the city and enhances the urban scenery. If you haven’t got a chance to see these parkways, don’t forget to take a closer look at them next time you walk by.

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  • Data update: 2019-03-15
  • Publish Date: 2009-12-09
  • Source: Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 1144
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