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It's the high time to buy property(2006-11)

It's the high time to buy property(2006-11)
It's the high time to buy property(2006-11)

In the past, owning a house was a dream, which might take a lifetime to fulfill for people who couldn't afford them. However,that's changing now as the construction companies are launching tempting loan deals, which make the mortgage is cheaper than the rent. As a result, more and more people are buying property as an investment and which probably explains why the real estate business hasn't been affected much by the economic recession.

Both Taichung's booming economics and the success of the Central Taiwan Science Park contribute to the active real estate market in Taichung, which apparently has attracted local Taichung people as well as people from all over Taiwan. According to the survey, some of the people who buy property in Taichung either living or working in another city yet decide to move over to Taichung for a change. Currently, Taichung's construction companies have geared up developing along Xitun district for the fast development of Central Taiwan Science Park, geographic advantage and the convenient traffic network. The construction companies are providing numerous choices to cater to different needs, such as tree-room apartments near the mall, stylish studio rooms, villas, five-floor eco-villas and so on. Since Xitun district is close to the science park, building are designed on the theme like Fiber Technology and Organic to satisfy the high living quality standard set by those hitech staff working in the park. As the area is newly developed, most of the buildings are massive. However, allin-one kinds of studio rooms are also available for single people.

The district around the Nation Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts has remained the one of the most popular choices for its lush green parkways and its cultural atmosphere. Recently, the construction companies came up with the theme, "One Hundred Ping Luxurious Mansion" and are building 80-ping or bigger mansions to meet the need of the people who have their hearts set on those. As the price of land and construction material have been soaring, one ping of land in this area is going for NT$250,000 to NT$330,000. This area has become the second most expensive block in Taichung.

In addition, National Property Bureau and several finance organizations' bidding the land in the 7th period of development area has triggered more and more construction companies investing here. We can see clearly that the demand in Taichung real estate market is growing. Since the land is limited, we can expect the value of land will definitely increase instead of dropping. So if you're interested in buying yourself a house in Taichung, it's the best time now.

  • Data update: 2019-03-15
  • Publish Date: 2009-12-17
  • Source: Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 1206
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