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Dancers’ Dreams Come True in Taichung(2007-05)

They come all the way from Eastern Europe to the warm city, Taichung. The warm sunlight drives the coldness behind. Hospitality makes them feel at home and your claps are the best gifts for them.

When traveling in some tourist destinations, we could often see some beautiful foreign dancers and performers dancing on the stage and showing fascinating body language. Since Taichung sits in the middle of Taiwan and very close to many tourist destinations, it attracts many foreign performers to stay and develop their career here.

Taichung is beautiful and fun

Vitalie is from Moldova. He has traveled and danced in many European countries before coming to Taichung. "I heard that Taiwan is one of the richest countries in Asia, and there are many night clubs in Taichung so I came here to work." He got his first job at Yamay Resort as an outdoor stage dancer. Then he recommended himself to be a stage dancer of Show House International.

Valentina's mother is a dancing teacher. After attending a dancing school in Russia, Valentina has traveled to China, the United States, and cities in Russia as a stage dancer. T h rough her agent's recommendation at home, she then came to Taichung to dance in Show House. "I think Taichung is a beautiful city. It's not too big or too crowded. There are so many things to see and to visit. That's why I decided to stay here!"

Marina attended the same dancing school with Valentina in Russia. She also likes to learn by traveling, even if she has less travel experiences than Valetina and Vitalie. Having heard so many good things about Taichung from Valentina, she decided to join herdancing in Show House International in Taichung.

Dancing keeps them fit

Working as full time dancers, they don't have much time left. "We dance the whole night until early morning, sleep until noon time, take a few hours' rest and practice dancing again." To fulfill the ever-changing need, some dancers have to do choreographing for new shows. They have themselves be used to sleep only three to four hours everyday, and spend the rest of the afternoon looking around.

I am so curious how dancers always look good. Vitalie says, "We, male dances, eat as much as we can, and go to gym to train our muscle to look good." Vitalie looks very much like Spider Man---Tobey Maguire. Since he is good at tap dance, Vitalie gets chances for a solo dance on the stage, which makes him more shining like a star. Valentina says, "Since we dance so much everyday, we don't need to control our diet at all."

Tea and night markets---two most favorite

Talking about food, Vitalie starts to praise tea shops in Taichung. "In Eastern Europe, our so-called tea is Lipton tea bags. There's nothing else. Here in Taichung, there are so many kinds of tea and everything is made just in front of you! So amazing! Taiwan tea sold at home is pretty expensive. I can buy good tea with reasonable price here." says Vitalie, very excited.

Vitalie thinks Taichung is the best city to live, because the living cost is low, the weather is warm, and environments are also good. He likes to shop in sports shops to buy some name brand shoes and accessories and go to the gym after work. Also he likes to visit National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts and Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Department Store. And Valentina likes to go to the movies, and loves to visit Feng Jia shopping district. Besides, the art museum, parks, and swimming pools are also her favorites.

Warm weather and friendly people

Except for tea, these three dancers think the most precious thing is friendly citizens "Compared to Eastern Europeans, they are more passionate and like to show how much they like our dance. We feel so good! They are absolutely friendly."

Another good thing about Taichung is the warm weather. "I feel so good about it! It's so cold in Russia!" Besides, good food is very attractive too. Vitalie think most Taiwan food is "hot", but it doesn't bother Marina at all. She likes hot fried chicken at the night market.

All of them are under 25. They all have decided to stay in Taiwan for a long time if their visas are valid. "I want to stay in Taiwan as long as I can." says Vitalie. Valentina wants to start to learn Chinese at free time. Marina has to go home because her visa will expire soon, however she wants to come back as soon as possible.

Therefore, there will be many chances for us to enjoy watching these beautiful dancing shows in Taihung's night clubs or at outdoor events. What a wonderful thing! 

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  • Data update: 2019-03-15
  • Publish Date: 2009-12-17
  • Source: Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 1300
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