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Great Cuisine, Beautiful Scenery, Lovely Friends and Hobbies(2007-08)

Foreign Engineers enjoy their lives in Taichung 

Two engineers from Japan and Australia are not only good at their expertise, but also know how to enjoy life. They are having a great time in Taichung.

Most people think being an engineer is a dull job, but actually it depends. Some engineers in Taichung enjoy a good life here. They taste delicious food, enjoy beautiful scenery, and have access to an internationally informative environment and also the relaxing atmosphere. They say, "If you've got a chance to stay in Taichung, you won't be willing to go to Taipei?"

Ueda Yo: the station engineer

Mr. Ueda is assigned by Mitsui Chemicals to be a chemistry consultant in Chiao Fu Group. Once he learned there would be a long-term job in Taichung, he thought it is a wonderful chance for him. He soon arranged for his son to be sent to Taiwan with him and go to Feng Chia University to study Chinese, while his mother, his wife and his daughter still stayed at home in Yokohama. His eldest daughter graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music is working in printing house now.

Ueda Yo has been living in Taichung for one year. He says this is a livable city for families, but traffic is a big problem for him. Bus routes are not convenient either. He used to drive a car everyday but now he takes a taxi to commute. Fortunately there comes the HSR system offering him a fast, comfortable and convenient choice. What he admires most is the National Health Insurance system, which offers people a good medical care with low charge, and doesn't keep him waiting. He is 100% satisfied with that.

Enjoying Hot Spring and Good Tea with Confidants

For the past year, Ueda has visited Taiwan from end to end, even the southern tip of Taiwan--Kending. He likes to visit Guguan and Dakeng for hot spring, and Lugu for good tea. Relaxing in a tea house, tasting great cuisine, chatting with Japanese literature expert Chung, Tzu-Huan as close friends--such a beautiful encounter has rooted in Ueda's mind.

Dereke-Running Food Business in Taichung

Dereke Bruce is from Australia. He studied gastrology at school, and he also learned how to design a pizza oven. His work of a hemisphere-shape high temperature pizza oven is very well known, but few people know he is also an expert of professional ice-cream makers. He came to Taiwan in 1993 for promoting ice-cream machines and opened an ice-cream store then. He combined his oven skills and expanded to an Italian restaurant, which was the first foreign restaurant in Taichung.

Having got a master degree in Australia, Dereke married a Taiwanese wife. He also passed the specialist teacher certification exam. His favorites are street food stands and Jingguo Parkway, Fine Arts Museum Parkway, etc. These places make Dereke so relaxing and comfortable.

Dereke Bruce is from Australia. He studied gastrology at school, and he also learned how to design a pizza oven. His work of a hemisphere-shape high temperature pizza oven is very well known, but few people know he is also an expert of professional ice-cream makers. He came to Taiwan in 1993 for promoting ice-cream machines and opened an ice-cream store then. He combined his oven skills and expanded to an Italian restaurant, which was the first foreign restaurant in Taichung.

Having got a master degree in Australia, Dereke married a Taiwanese wife. He also passed the specialist teacher certification exam. His favorites are street food stands and Jingguo Parkway, Fine Arts Museum Parkway, etc. These places make Dereke so relaxing and comfortable.

Thanks to God's magic finger!

Dereke says staying in Taiwan and becoming a son-in-law of a Taiwanese family are really beyond his plan. When he was fixing ovens and machines for a foreign restaurant, he met a lady working for a trading company. Then he chased her all the way to Taichung. After getting married, they started the business of Finga's restaurant. The word "Finga's" means the magic finger given by God, connecting him to great food.

Dereke's plan for the future is to build up a cooking school to grow more great chefs. He hopes everybody is a cuisine expert to make life vivid and colorful.

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  • Data update: 2019-03-15
  • Publish Date: 2009-12-17
  • Source: Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 1188
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