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New immigrants increased in Taichung(2009-08)

If you visit the parks in Taichung often, maybe you will find that the “the foreigners” havenumber of “foreigners” has increased. Some of them are foreign brides talking walking and talking a picnic with families,. Ssome of them are contract laborers doing recreational activities,. And and some are just foreign visitors. Watching them playing in the park, sometimes you would think you were in some a foreign country. 

To provide service to the new immigrants service, the Police Station of the Taichung City Police Bureau coordinates with the National Immigration Agency and the street artists to launch “Mobile Service Bus” services and performances for the foreign visitors, laborers and immigrants.

Provide new immigrants with friendly and multi-domain services

In order to provide the new immigrants with a quick service platform and to help them adapt to the environment in Taiwan, the Second Police Station of the Taichung Police Bureau, Taichung Office of the Immigration Agency launched an information desk in the square of the police station in Taichung Park and provides a consultation service for the new immigrants, especially for the foreign brides and laborers, from 9 am to 5 pm every Sunday until the end of August. The services include the free legal consultation and mobile administrative immigration services. Hopefully, the service will provide the new immigrants with the necessary information and handy assistance and guidance to enhance and protect their rights. In order to attract people, they arranged for dancers from Thailand to perform a traditional dance.

The police will provide consultation and solve problems for the new immigrants

According to Shih Pao-ning,Director of the Taichung City Immigration Agency Office of Immigration Agency, the most popular recreational venues of for the new immigrants in the middle of Taiwan are the First Plaza Square in front of Taichung Railway Station and Taichung Park. The number of visitors number ofto Taichung Park is increasing. The police hashave received more and more legal inquiry inquiries and other requests for assistance from the foreign brides and laborers.

He said that most of them need the guidance to proceed with the governmental administrative process or seek for assistance on regarding their daily life. Therefore, the police provide translators of Chinese, English, Vietnamese, Indonesian and Thailand translators to provide consultation for the new immigrants and visitors. Also, the translators will provide them with information of regarding their rights, safety and tourism to help visitors and immigrants to enjoy the life in Taiwan.

The Mobile Service Bus--, a wela farebenefit for the immigrants

The “mobile service bus” model, which combines the joint service desk and street artist performances, will be adopted for establishing the new immigrant service platform. This is the first time that the Taichung Police Bureau and Immigration Agency have worked together to provide services for the new immigrants.

The Immigration Agency of the Ministry of the Interior said that the government will launch more similar activities after August. Hopefully, the “mobile service bus” has has set upinitiated a good model for the succeeding immigrant services to help them to adoptadapt to the livingfe in Taiwan and make Taiwan a friendly destination for foreigner visitors and immigrants.

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  • Data update: 2019-03-15
  • Publish Date: 2009-12-17
  • Source: Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 1184
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