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Luce Memorial Chapel

Name of Church: Luce Memorial Chapel
Address: No. 1727, Taiwan Boulevard Section 4, Xitun District, Taichung City
Brief introduction: Tunghai University was founded as a Christian school in 1955. Located at a remote site far from downtown, without easy access to transportation and lack of spiritual cultivation and a gathering place for worship, the school felt the need and decided to build up a church inside its campus.

Starting construction in 1962 and completed next year, the Luce Memorial Chapel is so named in honor of Henry W. Luce (1868 - 1941), a missionary coming to China in 1897, preaching there for 44 years, and helping the founding of Qilu University and Yenching University. The Chapel was designed by world-renowned architect I. M. Pei (貝聿銘) in collaboration with Chen Chi-Kwan (陳其寬), the first department head of Department of Architecture of Tunghai University. After careful consideration, they selected to establish the Chapel at the center of the campus, where it looked wide open and intimate to everyone but it was not located on any axis. Located between the teaching area and the dormitory quarter, the Chapel could be seen from any place inside the campus when there were no tall trees in the early days.

The Luce Memorial Chapel is composed of four curved surfaces, each of which is completely separated from each other. The shape of the Chapel looks like an upside-down book. Its two hinder surfaces are slightly higher than the front surfaces, with the protruding portion housing the internal chancel. When one walks into the Chapel, his or her eyes will look upward naturally, along the surface curve to the roof skylight; when one is worshiping, he or she can often observe a thin strip of sunlight beaming through the sky and traveling slowly on the chancel, a scene that always sparks the yearning to glorify the Lord!

  • Data update: 2019-09-05
  • Publish Date: 2013-01-02
  • Source: Civil Affairs Bureau
  • Hit Count: 1906
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