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Taichung Confucius Temple

Name of Temple: Taichung Confucius Temple
Commanding deity: Confucius
Address: No. 30, Shuangshi Road Section 2, North District, Taichung City
Brief introduction: The present site of Confucius Temple was originally used for an elementary school and the staff quarters of Air Force. The school was relocated to Jianxing Road (健行路) in 1967 and renamed as Sing San Elementary School (省三國小). The site was then planned for the construction of the present Confucius Temple, which was commissioned to Taiwan Provincial Public Works Department (臺灣省公共工程局) for planning and design and supervision create plant. Qing Ren Construction Firm (慶仁營造廠) and Taiwan Pavement Engineering Company (臺灣舖道工程公司) were contracted for its construction. After several rounds of careful deliberation among scholars and experts, the design of Taichung Confucius Temple was decided to follow the downsized layout of Qufu (曲阜) Confucius Temple and constructed in the palace style of the Song Dynasty, so as to distinguish itself from the adjacent Martyrs' Shrine (which was built in the palace style of Qing Dynasty).

Taichung Confucius Temple sits on an area of 23,653.20 square meters and its gross building area is 2,363.88 square meters. As a very rare Song-dynasty classical architecture in Taiwan, the Taichung Confucius Temple has a very complex structure with every detail meticulously calibrated and decorated. All its halls are mainly painted with curling grass and flowers in delicate and complicated colors. It can be said to be a rare architectural paradigm in Taiwan, worthy of careful study and appreciation.

Taichung Confucius Temple is mainly composed of the following architectural elements: two main gates, a front wall, the Ling Xing Gate, a forecourt, the Guan Te Gate, the Yu Cui Gate, the Incinerator Pavilion, the Burial Place, the Dacheng Gate, the Dacheng Hall, the East Veranda, the West Veranda, and the Saint Shrine. It can be said to be one of the most complete Confucius temples in Taiwan. In addition to copying the floor plan from the Qufu Confucius Temple, some architectural terms are also quoted from the Qufu Confucius Temple. For example, the Guan Te Gate and the Yu Cui Gate are used in place of the Li Gate (禮門) and the way of righteousness (義路) in Taiwanese-style Confucius Temple. Although Taichung Confucius Temple is constructed of reinforced concrete, it can be called the pioneer in intermingling the Chinese classical buildings with modern construction patterns.

  • Data update: 2022-11-23
  • Publish Date: 2013-02-20
  • Source: Civil Affairs Bureau
  • Hit Count: 1258
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