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Anti-online scams

Internet scammers have been using Facebook to cheat their potential victims. In the earlier days, they might deceive your personal identity information by asking you to help receive a text message or buy some game points. Now, as online shopping communities flourish, Facebook has become an even more favorite platform for scammers. Thus, those who love online shopping are urged to watch out for the possible scams.

Facebook does not provide perfect shopping security norms. Nor does it guarantee shopping security on the platform. Therefore, before doing online shopping, you must confirm the seller’s address and contact telephone and ask the webmaster some questions to check if he/she is responsible or evasive. Anyway, you must be vigilant enough if you really want to go shopping online.

It is quite troublesome to claim compensation or return of goods on a third-party platform that does not ensure transaction security. The Police thus advise our citizens to do online shopping only on those well-accredited platforms which offer sufficient protection on consumer interests or which have physical stores. When buying valuables, it is always advisable that you go directly to the physical store to inspect the goods or have someone accompany you to meet the seller and check the goods if there is no physical store. If you have any question about the Facebook scams, please call 165 anti-fraud hotline.

  • Data update: 2022-11-23
  • Publish Date: 2016-02-10
  • Source: Police Department
  • Hit Count: 1968
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