Overstaying visas in Taiwan leads to fines. Additionally, it often leads to black marks in your passport, meaning that return to Taiwan is not allowed for a set period of time. Obviously, overstaying is not a good idea.
Extending some visas is an option, but it is not for all visas. The extension must be granted prior to overstaying.
There are a few exceptions to the overstay rule, including Force Majeur, major injury and natural disaster.
The most common reason visitors overstay is due to miscalculating dates. For example, a 60 day visa is NOT the same as two months - some months have 31 days, and February sometimes has 28.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Bureau of Consular Affairs, Taichung Branch)
503, LiMing Rd, Sec 2 Taichung City
TEL: (04)2251-0799
FAX: (04)2251-0700
Hours: Monday ~ Friday 08:30 ~ 17:00
EMAIL: taichung@boca.gov.tw
Foreign Affairs Police, Taichung City Police Bureau
588, WenXin (WenShin) Road, Sec. 2 Taichung City
TEL: (04)2327-3875
EMAIL: tcpbbb01@tcpb.gov.tw
Useful Links
MOFA, Bureau of Consular Affairs - Visa information
Foreign Affairs Police, Taichung City Police Bureau
Current Location
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> Daily Life
Visa Overstay
- Data update: 2019-03-20
- Publish Date: 2010-01-26
- Source: Civil Affairs Bureau
- Hit Count: 6683