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Emergency Chinese Vocabulary

我的手斷了-- *

Wo de shou duan le! (I broke my arm!)


我要生小孩了-- *

Wo yao sheng xiao hai le! (I'm having a baby!)


我的頭非常痛 -- *

Wo de tou fei chang tong. (I have a severe headache.)


我內出血 -- *

Wo nei cu xue. (I am bleeding internally.)


我需要動手術-- *

Wo xu yao dong shou shu. (I need surgery.)


我呼吸困難 -- *

Wo hu xi kun nan. (I'm having breathing problems.)


請幫我叫救護車-- *

Qing bang wo jiao jiu hu ce. (Please call an ambulance for me.)


請幫我叫警察-- *

Qing bang wo jiao jing cha. (Please call the police for me.)


我的家遭小偷了-- *

Wo de jia zao xiao tou le. (My house has been broken into.)


我被槍劫了 --

Wo bei qiang jie le. (I've been mugged.)

  • Data update: 2019-02-14
  • Publish Date: 2010-06-14
  • Source: Taichung City Government
  • Hit Count: 2808
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