Chinese foot massage is known for its therapeutic effects, with results including elimination of fatigue, promotion of metabolism, and an improvement in blood circulation. According to the traditional Chinese medical practice of foot reflexology, the entire body and all its parts are represented with pressure points in one's feet. Therefore, when pressure is added during a massage, pain in a certain pressure point of the foot can indicate the weakness of a specific organ or system in the body. Foot massagers claim to be able to cure migraines, sinus problems, digestive problems, aches and pains and much more, just by massaging the area of the foot that parallels whatever is ailing.
When visiting a foot massage parlor, a worker will soak one's feet in a solution of warm water often mixed with herbal medicine. After a few minutes, the feet are wiped clean and the actual massage process beings. Sessions last from 30 minutes to an hour, and cost around NT$500.
Foot massages are common and readily available to both locals and foreigners in Taichung. When traveling down a relatively busy street, just look out for a sign displaying a colorful diagram of a foot to spot a foot massage parlor.
Useful Links:Related Information on Reflexology