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Land Re-Zoning Helps Taichung to Grow Better

1. Taichung is a century-old city that has grown from arduous hardships in the early days to a flourishing metropolitan city today. During the development process, "land rezoning" has played a very important role.
2. "Zoning” is a way to integrate the development of a new city, a new community or an old urban area. In the process, zoning also helps to acquire land for public facilities. It is known to be the most efficient way to promote rapid local development, provide better public facilities and services, rationalize the use of land, and increase land value. Based on the user-charge principle, all the owners taking part in a zoning or rezoning project shall share the expenditures proportionate to their respective profits. It is therefore a fair and efficient system that can create a win-win situation for the landowners and the government as well.
3. Taichung City Government has been currently rezoning two regions, namely the 230-hectare Daqing (大慶) rezoning region and the 403-hectare Homayzhuang (美和庄) rezoning region, covering an area of 633 hectares in four administrative districts, including South District, Nantun District, Xitun Districtand Beitun District. After completion of the rezoning process, the city government will gain about 293 hectares of land for public facilities free of charge, while providing about 340 hectares of land for construction uses.
4. In addition to free land for public facilities, the city government will also get proceeds from disposing the offset-expenditure land. Such proceeds must be firstly used to pay the zoning expenditure. If there is any surplus, the city government can then use part of the surplus to build linking roads and other new facilities for the rezoning region and allocate part of surplus to the Land Right Equalization Fund, which can be used to carry out the city government’s land policy and construct public works to turn Taichung into the most livable city in the country.

  • Data update: 2018-02-15
  • Publish Date: 2017-03-27
  • Source: Land Administration Bureau
  • Hit Count: 2224
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