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Counties and Cities Cooperate in Handling Compensation for Expropriation

Taichung residents can now apply to Taichung City Government for collecting compensation for expropriation from other counties and cities, while residents in other counties and cities can ask their respective competent authorities to transfer their compensation application forms to Taichung City Government if their land in Taichung has been expropriated.

Starting from June 1, 2015 on wards, Taichung City Government has cooperated with four special municipal governments (namely Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taoyuan City, and Tainan City) and nine county and city governments to handle the application for compensation for expropriation. People living in Taichung can now bring their notification to Land Administration Bureau and ask it to collect compensation for land expropriation in other counties and cities on their behalf. Meanwhile, people living other counties and cities whose land in Taichung City has been expropriated can do the same by asking the county and city government nearest to them to collect the compensation on their behalf.

To help relieve people from traveling time and costs, the Land Administration Bureau of Taichung City Government has been working with other county and city governments to offer cross-county-and-city services so as to improve administrative efficiency and to provide people with more convenient services.

The name list of those counties and cities engaged in handling the application for compensation for expropriation has been published on the expropriation webpage of Land Administration Bureau. People in need of such service can visit the webpage and call the posted phone numbers of the concerned competent authorities to enquire into the details.

  • Data update: 2023-04-19
  • Publish Date: 2015-09-02
  • Source: Land Administration Bureau
  • Hit Count: 2361
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