Taichung City Real Estate LOHAS Net (http://lohas.taichung.gov.tw/new/) has set up a special page called "Non-urban Land Use Zoning and Control Zone" to provide one-stop service to our citizens. Its rich contents can be summarized as follows:
1. Query into non-urban land zoning maps:
You can make a query into the position of a landmark, a doorplate, a junction, the land lot number, and the building number and the coloring for the land parcels in the nearby area. The up-to-date non-urban land zoning information in the surrounding areas can be a good reference to the private and public sectors when they are in need of land.
2. Inquiries into relevant regulations and laws:
People can find links to websites that provide the latest information about relevant regulations and laws for non-urban land use zoning and control.
3. Inquiries into your own application case:
It take a long time to process a non-urban land application case. Thus, procedures and instructions are provided so that you can check the progress of your own case online.
4. Provision of all kinds of application forms:
Electronic files of all the application forms are put up there on the website. You can download any one of them and handle them with editing software to save you from handwriting and correction. The complete collection of non-urban land application forms can also save you from searching.
5. Advocacy and description of non-urban land use control:
There are 18 types of non-urban land use zoning and control. This website can help the public to understand the relevant regulations and remind them to use the land according to laws and regulations, so that people can avoid being fined due to violation of laws and land can be rationally used.
6. Frequently Asked Questions and others:
Frequently Asked Questions are collected and answered online, so that people can make a quick query.
Current Location
> Business
> Land Administration
Taichung City Real Estate LOHAS Net provides information about non-urban land use zoning and control
- Data update: 2018-02-15
- Publish Date: 2012-12-03
- Source: Land Administration Bureau
- Hit Count: 2448