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Introduction of Taichung City

Taichung City is located in central Taiwan, plays an essential role in both Taiwan's economic development and transportation systems. It is the hub for the major cities and counties in the central Taiwan region.

Following the merger of Taichung city and county on December 25, 2010, Greater Taichung has now become the second-largest among Taiwan's six special municipalities with a population of over 2,800,000 people.

Its land area is three times the size of Singapore and twice that of Hong Kong. Surrounded by the mountains and sea, it possesses the precious asset of rich cultures of numerous townships and districts. Thus, Taichung city has established an inclusive land, sea and air transportation network that is seamlessly connected to different parts of the city. The annual average temperature in Taichung is 23˚C, with a pleasantly mild year-round climate. Protected by the Central Mountain Range, it is rarely threatened by typhoons and is known as a city of sunshine, warmth and energy.

The city is made up of 29 administrative districts, each boasting unique distinctive cultural and natural landscapes. Therefore, a mixture of cultures slowly developed there during the Ming and Qing dynasties and Japanese colonial period. Over the centuries, people from different backgrounds migrated to Taichung and settled down, contributing to a great society of diverse cultures. You may see plenty of characteristic cultural groups, such as Fukien, Hakka and aboriginal in Taichung. Each year, Taichung city has held a great number of international and local cultural events.

Among the economic pillars, Taichung's first-tier industry is agriculture. Driven by free trade and globalization, this industry has shifted to specific types of farming and recreational farming to raise its competitiveness. As Taichung’s second-tier industry, industrial development and technology go hand-in-hand. Precision machinery and tool factories are an industrial core for central Taiwan and have inevitably created industry clusters and advances in the development of metal contract manufacturing, electronic parts and related manufacturing. Commercial and Service Industries build the role of the third-tier. Driven by creativity and innovation, these industries have developed their own distinctive characteristics and styles.

To ensure sustainable development, environmental conservation is essential. Taichung city government has developed into a green garden city. More parkways, parks, squares, children's parks, and greenery along waterways and roads have been implemented. The city has also appealed to the private sector for the construction of green buildings and green hedges/walls to further beautify the city.






  • Data update: 2023-05-24
  • Publish Date: 2017-11-06
  • Source: Secretariat
  • Hit Count: 8720
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