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Cross-border exchanges in fiber technology have continued for 10 years. Korean natural dyeing artists revisited Zhongshi Fiber Museum

Members of Busan Natural Dyeing Instructors Association of South Korea visited Taichung Fiber Craft Museum_0.jpg
Members of Busan Natural Dyeing Instructors Association of South Korea visited Taichung Fiber Craft Museum_0.jpg


The colorful colors in nature are the most gorgeous gifts given to people by the earth, and they are also an inexhaustible source of inspiration for many natural dyeing craftsmen. Recently, a group of people from the Busan White Pine Natural Dyeing Instructors Association in South Korea came to Taiwan to hold the "Cloud of Life - Korean Natural Dyeing Creation Exhibition" and made a special trip to the Taichung City Fiber Craft Museum. They look forward to continued cooperation in the future to promote natural dyeing works from Taiwan and South Korea. Exhibitions and skills exchanges.


The Cultural Affairs Bureau pointed out that central Taiwan has a long history of local crafts such as rush hat mats and Ataya ramie weaving. The natural colors originally contained in soil, minerals, plants and animals give the weaving crafts a colorful appearance. The Cultural Affairs Bureau said that the city government has invested in the research, publication, exhibition and education of natural dyeing resources since the early days of the Weaving Craft Museum, and has conducted exchanges with the Korean Natural Dyeing Museum and related groups. After the establishment of the Taichung City Fiber Craft Museum, it has also continued to hold the "Five Colors-Korean Natural Dyeing Special Exhibition" and "Slender Words Slow Fashion ~ Asia-Pacific Fiber Craft Exhibition", and has been communicating with Korean natural dyeing and fiber crafts for 10 years. close.


The Cultural Affairs Bureau stated that it coincides with the Busan White Pine Natural Dyeing Instructors Association in South Korea holding a creative exhibition at the Fo Guang Yuan Museum of Art Taichung from July 27 to August 16, which also includes artists who have participated in exchange exhibitions at the Textile Museum in the past. In addition to arriving in Taiwan to attend the opening ceremony, 29 members of the trade association also went to the Fiber Museum to visit the permanent exhibition, dynamic fashion special exhibition and the winning works of this fiber creation award.


Kim Tae-hee, president of the association, said that "Clouds of Life - Korean Natural Dyeing Creation Exhibition" is an exhibition commemorating the 14th anniversary of the establishment of the association. It displays various types of natural dyeing works and carries the dream of transforming new paradigms of natural dyeing. It is an exhibition carefully created by members. A feast of art. Special thanks to the public-private cooperation units in Taichung City for cooperating to facilitate the exhibition. Symposiums will also be held during the exhibition. We hope to enhance the exchange of dyeing and weaving expertise between Taiwan and South Korea, expand our international horizons, and promote the friendship between Taiwan and South Korea. We welcome the public Go to the Fo Guang Yuan Museum of Art Taichung to enjoy it.


The Textile Museum explained that today’s world attaches great importance to the value of green craft industries combined with cultural creativity. In particular, the natural dyeing and weaving technology with the concept of “taking from nature and returning to nature” is most in line with the goals of environmental protection and sustainable management. It is expected that through This exchange reconnects the natural dyeing skills of Taiwan and South Korea, allowing the beauty and color of natural dyeing to gain more public attention and flourish.


At today’s event, Zhou Zhiren, acting director of the Fiber Museum, delivered a welcoming speech and exchanged gifts with President Jin. Curator Dr. Lin Qingmei, Nantou County natural dyeing technology preserver Chen Jinglin and teacher Ma Yuxiu, Information Bureau Section Chief Xiao Shujun and Fiber Museum researcher Zhang Huiru and others accompanied the tour and exchanged research and creation experiences. Members of the association were full of curiosity about the diversity and rich creativity of Taiwan's fiber art creation, and the exchanges were lively. (8/2*12)* Cultural Affairs Bureau


Contact person: Ms. Zhang, Fiber Craft Exhibition Center


Contact number: 04-24860069 extension 303

  • Data update: 2024-08-02
  • Publish Date: 2024-08-02
  • Source: 330040
  • Hit Count: 46